Sara Beth offers hospitality, encouragement, sympathy, direction and other needs as needed for a season. Link (below) to her ministry site Twice Blessed for her thoughts and insights on life.


Founder’s Story

Sara Beth found herself with four young children and no set place to live for a duration of about 8 months. It was caused by a combination of firm rental contracts and employment plans that did not turn out as expected. Friends and family and a trickle-in-income sustained them for those months. The stress and strain went sky-high when her youngest child developed a life-threatening medical issue . Ronald McDonald house hosted her family during his treatment (shout out thank you!), but the hospital would not discharge him to an unstable situation. A public housing resource was arranged for the entire month after his discharge. At month-end, the income problem was solved such that they moved into a new home. During the 8 months of homelessness, Sara Beth joined a hospitality network that offers accommodation to travelers. She has been a guest and she has had guests in her home for years since. As her children have grown and moved out, she began this Hospitable Harborage Respites ministry as a way to help normal people who find themselves in-between places with no place to lay their head at night.